adwords for noobies

Many of you may be considering, or already using AdWords to drive
traffic to your site or for your affiliate advertising.

Today I have some tips for using Adword.

Determine how much money you are willing to LOSE per day as you learn.
Set this amount for your daily budget. You will lose money at first as you learn; just think of it as a cost of learning. If you want your budget to be $20, MAKE SURE you don't type 2000
instead of 20.00!! I've heard horror stories about that mistake!

Creating many ad groups each with a keyword or two is better than
having a few ad groups with each having many keywords.

Uncheck "content network" in campaign settings. It is checked by
default. You do not want to have your ads on the content network at

I usually start my bids around .50 and then see how the ad's
placement is. It is fine to be at position 4 to 6 for now. Oftentimes,
getting to be number 1 or 2 simply costs too much.

Create 3 or 4 ads for each ad group and set "ad servings" to rotate.
This will show which are more effective at getting clicks. Run them for
a week or two and delete or tweak the lower performing ones.

Numbers in your ads really helps catch attention

If a new ad group costs you more money than one sale will make,
let it go a little longer and then pause it for several days. Try it
again in a few days. If it loses money again, rethink your

One more word of warning!

If you are promoting an affiliate product, make sure you visit the
vendor's sales page with your affiliate link. There, check the buy
button. It should lead you to a checkout process where you will be
credited. Many times this is not the case. If you don't understand
how to check this or what to look for, don't start your campaign
until you do! You could simply be giving Google money and making
sales for the vendor for free!