adwords certification resources

There are many reasons that you might want to take the Google certification exam. For one thing, it is a necessary to becoming a Google Advertising Professional; the certification shows that you have an active understanding of the exam and that you are aware that of how Google AdWords work. By taking the exam, you will also earn a certification that shows prospective employers that you know your way around this valuable tool.adwords certification resources

If it has been a while since you've been in a testing situation, though, you might be a little apprehensive about what to do when the time comes. The best way to feel more comfortable about a testing situation is to get a good idea of what is to come, and to that end, there are several things that you should keep in mind about the Google certification exam.

The first thing to remember is that that the test is online. Now, this will work in your favor in many ways. Do you remember open-book tests from when you were in school? This is essentially the same thing. Before you even start the exam, there are a few browser windows that you should pull open. The first page you should make sure to open is the page for the Google Learning Center. The Learning Center will basically have all the knowledge you need to pass the test, and indeed, if you have been studying for the exam, you should already be familiar with it. Even before you take the exam, you should spend a significant amount of time in the Learning Center. The Learning Center is updated constantly, so if you see something that you are unsure about or if something is contradictory, notify the administrators for clarification.

As all-inclusive as the Learning Center is, remember that you will probably want to take notes of your own. This will help cement certain things in your memory; essentially, it helps ensure that not only can you find the information on the Learning Center, but that you can really retain it as well.

Because the test is online, you will need to make sure that you are in a place with a stable internet connection. If the connection stalls or quits entirely, the timer will keep going. If this occurs, there is a chance that you will lose all the progress you made, resulting in a failing test score.

By keeping just these few things in mind, passing the Google certification exam with the minimal 75% should be a breeze. Take this test and show off your proficiency with Google advertising today!

Peng Joon is a veteran AdWords user and has authored many AdWords related guides. Read More...

adwords certification

You may be interested in enhancing your professional standing when it comes to Internet marketing in this day and age. One step that you might want to consider taking is becoming a Google Adwords Qualified individual. Through this article, you are presented with how to be a Google Adwords qualified individual. Armed with this information in this article, you will be well on your way towards increasing your professional standing when it comes to Internet marketing in the 21st century.

According to the directors of the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program, there are four steps that you will need to take in order to obtain Google AdWords Qualified Individual program certification. By achieving these four steps, by meeting these four qualifications, you will be able to obtain designation and certification as a Google AdWords Qualified Individual. In the end, your designation and certification as a Google AdWords Qualified Individual will be extremely helpful when it comes to recruiting new clients or customers to use your professional services.

First, in order to obtain Google AdWords Qualified Individual program certification, you will need to sign up for the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program and remain in good standing. What this means in reality is that you have accepted the Rules of Use for the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program and that you are not in violation of any of the Rules of Use associated with the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program.

Second, you will need to manage at least on AdWords account within the My Client Center for a minimum of 90 days. This can either be your own account or the account belonging to one of your clients. This not only gives Google the opportunity to determine if you can manage a Google AdWord program effectively it also gives you the chance to get a better idea of what various resources are available to you through Google.

Third, during a 90 day period, you will need to create, build and maintain at least $1,000 U.S. (or your local national currency equivalent) as the total spent through your My Client Center account.

Finally, you will need to pass the Google Advertising Professional Exam. While you can take this examination at any time, Google generally recommends that you only do take the examination after you’ve successfully met the other requirements that have been outlined for you in this article.

adwords certification guideline

Whether you're looking for a way to bulk up your resume or you're hoping to gain more expertise with internet marketing, the Google Advertising professional exam might be for you. This certification ensures that you have a good knowledge of Google AdWords and it will put you one step closer to being a qualified Google advertising professional. With a little bit knowledge under your belt, you can figure out if the Google certification exam is something for you.

Essentially, what this certification will cover is the concept of keywords. You'll be asked to judge the validity of key word strings and to judge what makes for valid search engine optimization. Google does provide you with tools towards learning about these concepts at their Learning Center, which is your prime resource upon taking this exam. This is the site that will provide you with the information you need to pass.

The exam itself is about 100 multiple-choice questions, with a time limit of 90 minutes. It is important to remember that the exam cannot be paused and if your browser crashes or your connection dies, that the timer will keep on going. If this should happen, you should contact the support area and find out what can be done. The exam is available to each customer twice a month, and if you have issues on one exam, you'll be able to retake once again that month.

The exam itself costs 50 dollars and the money once offered is non-refundable. You will need to pay the 50 dollars every time you want to take the exam. Keep in mind that the content of the exam does change, and that you might want to retake the test periodically to make sure that your knowledge is still current. Even as new as the certification is, you'll find that there has been an increase in the content covered in the time since it started.

A passing grade on the Google Advertising professional exam is to receive a 75%; you will be able to access your score via email as soon as you complete the exam itself. Your score will also be shown on your Client Center, as will a notice that you have passed the examination.

There are many reasons why you might want to take the Google Advertising professional exam and receive the Google certification, so investigate this exciting opportunity today!

Peng Joon is a veteran Adwords user and has authored many Adwords related guides.

google adwords certification

You may be interested in enhancing your professional standing when it comes to Internet marketing in this day and age. One step that you might want to consider taking is becoming a Google Adwords Qualified individual. Through this article, you are presented with how to be a Google Adwords qualified individual. Armed with this information in this article, you will be well on your way towards increasing your professional standing when it comes to Internet marketing in the 21st century.

According to the directors of the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program, there are four steps that you will need to take in order to obtain Google AdWords Qualified Individual program certification. By achieving these four steps, by meeting these four qualifications, you will be able to obtain designation and certification as a Google AdWords Qualified Individual. In the end, your designation and certification as a Google AdWords Qualified Individual will be extremely helpful when it comes to recruiting new clients or customers to use your professional services.

First, in order to obtain Google AdWords Qualified Individual program certification, you will need to sign up for the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program and remain in good standing. What this means in reality is that you have accepted the Rules of Use for the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program and that you are not in violation of any of the Rules of Use associated with the Google AdWords Qualified Individual program.

Second, you will need to manage at least on AdWords account within the My Client Center for a minimum of 90 days. This can either be your own account or the account belonging to one of your clients. This not only gives Google the opportunity to determine if you can manage a Google AdWord program effectively it also gives you the chance to get a better idea of what various resources are available to you through Google.

Third, during a 90 day period, you will need to create, build and maintain at least $1,000 U.S. (or your local national currency equivalent) as the total spent through your My Client Center account.

Finally, you will need to pass the Google Advertising Professional Exam. While you can take this examination at any time, Google generally recommends that you only do take the examination after you’ve successfully met the other requirements that have been outlined for you in this article.

Google reminds people that all of these requirements must be met concurrently in order to be designated as a Google AdWords Qualified Individual. Best choice for your pay per click management.

google adwords profitable campaigns

Google AdWords can be a powerful advertising platform when used properly. Below are two important tips to create a profitable AdWords campaign.

Understanding Google's Campaign Penalties

Google AdWords is the most popular advertising platform online, which also makes it the most competitive. One of the methods Google uses to separate high quality advertisers from low quality advertisers is through the use of penalties.

It's not advisable to "play around with" the Google AdWords platform without having a solid understanding of how it works. If you launch a campaign that doesn't meet Google's standards you'll likely be penalized for low quality, which increases your cost per click throughout your entire account.

Before building your campaign on the AdWords platform you should have a thorough layout of your entire campaign. Writing down your keywords, ad groups and ad text variations can help visualize proper structure and create a high quality campaign.

Use Multiple Landing Pages

It often helps to visualize the advertising process in two broad phases. First is the advertising phase where you use Google to send visitors to your website. The second phase is what happens after the visitor reaches your website.

Although AdWords can help send targeted visitors to your website, it has little influence on how your website converts traffic into revenue.

Because pay per click can be expensive with competitive keywords it's important to capitalize on every visitor you receive. The most efficient way to optimize the second phase of online advertising is through the use of split testing multiple landing pages.

Create two variations of the page visitors first visit when sent through Google AdWords. The web page that yields the highest conversion rate should be kept while the losing page discarded.

Split testing allows you to identify what customers are responding to, and helps optimize your content for sales.

google adwords tutorial


google adwords account suspended

In the last couple of days many Google AdWords accounts have been suspended. Most of the AdWords customers are wondering as to why their accounts are suspended. All that the Google's AdWords customer receives is an email from the Google AdWords Team stating that your account has been suspended and your advertisements will not run in Google. The reason being non compliance with Google's terms of service and advertising policies. Have you received one such email from the Google's Team?

These accounts that are suspended are mostly from customers who are either new to AdWords or have outsourced their AdWords Optimization to third parties to do so.

The problem faced in such situations creates a bad experience for the AdWords customers and an additional burden to Google AdWords reviewers. However, who is responsible for such things. Let's take a closer look at each of these 2 cases and understand what happens and how problems can be prevented.

Many customers who are new to AdWords are unaware of Google's Policies and Terms and Conditions that they need to adhere to while setting up their accounts. Google's Help Center does provide all the necessary information for the new customers but many of them ignore it and just get started right away. They start with the AdWords account creation by creating the new campaigns, ad groups, and stuffing a huge list of keywords. The next thing that happens is a good amount of money is spent as a daily budget and then one fine day one is shocked with an email that their account is suspended.

On the other hand, many customers who want to use AdWords and do not know how to use it outsource it to third party providers. These providers are contacted through any project bidding site. There these customers post their requirements and set a budget that they think they can afford. Many of the providers bid on those projects. Some providers bid as low as $50 for a project that is worth $500. Looking at the affordable price many customers award these AdWords projects to these providers. End result, in most cases dissatisfaction!

After a few days the AdWords customer gets very disappointed and posts a negative remark against the provider in the project bidding system. And then after a few days their account also gets suspended.

So what would be the solution to prevent such situations from occurring? The solution lies in searching for a good provider who has the necessary credentials for optimizing an AdWords account.

1. Ask your provider if they are GAP certified? GAP stands for Google AdWords Professional. This certification is only awarded when a person writes an online exam and is well versed with the Google Policies and Terms and Conditions?
2. Find out if your provider has any hands on experience in optimizing Google AdWords accounts?
3. For how long has your provider been optimizing Google AdWords accounts?
4. Has your provider hired any staff from Google?
5. How will they go about optimizing the Google AdWords account?
6. Most important of all is whether the provider offers to take a look at your account to understand what needs to be optimized or just jumps into the project to earn money regardless of the fact that the account needs an initial diagnosis and study.

You may also come across instances where your account is permanently suspended and even if you try opening a new account with different information, you are likely to get suspended again. The reason being Google having a well built out system to track the advertiser through various means.

So, in this scenario you will not be able to use Google paid advertising which could have got you that instant traffic and conversions. But don't let this disappoint you. You still stand a good chance to advertise on Google - but this time it's not AdWords but through organic search. Yes, this is one area where you can promote your website through SEO (search engine optimization) and show on top of the search results of Google.

There are unlimited opportunities waiting for you and it is up to you to decide if you want to cry over lost AdWords opportunity or to venture out for more opportunities using SEO and hitting on top of the search engines.

Most of us will always like to make the optimum use of our hard-earned money. But what is the use if you can't reap the benefits of your investment. In most cases, low priced services do not offer the best quality. They are low priced because the quality is compromised. Hire the right person and pay the right price for your Google AdWords optimization and prevent your account from being suspended or if you are unable to advertise through AdWords, then have the best SEO Company to promote your website and rank you on top in the search engines.

The choice is now in your hands!

google adwords ebook

Are you trying to make money with Google AdWords and thus has found yourself seeking a good Google AdWords ebook? Continue reading to find out how you can get one absolutely free, no cost or obligation to you.

Google Awords ebook will teach you the insight that you will need to know to master Google and their many and ever changing rules. Having a basic understanding of Google is not enough when you are setting up AdWords campaigns because what you don't know could cost you a lot of money. Make sure that before you start your Google AdWords account that you have a better than basic idea of Google AdWords. And this is where a good Google AdWords ebook can come in quite handy. Most Google AdWords ebook can give you incorrect information because they are not up-to-date. If you buy an ebook that was written in 2006 then that information is no longer valid. That is because Google have changed their algorithms about 15 times since then and it would only mean that you would be playing with yesterday's information.

A up-to-date Google AdWords Ebook

Getting an up-to-date Google AdWords ebook will be beneficial to you because you will learn what is the proper way that Google now wants all its advertisers to set up their campaigns. Google required that in order to give a good quality score that you landing page and your keywords are relevant to the offer that you are making. For example if you are selling red apples then your keyword should be red apples and when Google send out its robots to check your landing page, you should have a headline talking about red apples. Only then will Google consider your content relevant and give you a high quality score. But that is not the end of the game with Google-the next step is your ads. Your ads must be eye catching and appealing that they get enough clicks. If not you will have a low quality score and you will be charged even more for your clicks.

Getting around the writing compelling ads will not be a problem for you if you have a tool that shows you what Google AdWords campaign ads are converting. And all you have to do is copy, tweak and you have a profitable campaign.

This will save you time and energy and making sure that you start off on the right foot with Google. Most times it is impossible to correct a bad campaign because Google still give it a low quality score. It is usually better to just delete the campaign and start a new one with a brand new name.

A good keyword tool can help you fix the problem and never have to worry about it again. Read More...

google adwords tips for success

For most affiliate marketers Google AdWords is like the advertising bible. There are apparently "better ones" who argue to have new and better ways to advertise better than Google AdWords and its likes. It may be practical, but Google AdWords is a huge tool behind the success of "normal" affiliate marketers like us, the best Google AdWords tips are as follows:

Google AdWord Tips #1 - It is key to ensure the relevancy of the ad, it might seem to be common sense but the startling fact is hardly anybody does it. As an example, if "New TV" is put on the ad to sell a Sony XYX Plasma TV, the ad will look inapplicable and so 80%+ people clicking on that ad for particular information will not be buying the product while if instead "Sony XYX PLazma" is written, it will attract the attention of the buyers and boost up the sales.

Google AdWord Tips #2 - Your Google Ad should be exact - simply make a few dissimilar ads if you have a few different key words - a high place can be achieved for all your keywords which link to your site in this way.

Google AdWord Tips #3 - The page sent to the person who click one of your Google Ads is called as "landing page or "pitch page" and it should not be irrelevant. There are many advertisors who display ads on weight loss and on the contrary says something about "Getting 6-packs in 30 days" which is improper. A woman may visit the site for getting rid of a few pounds and not for 6 packs. 50% of your sales will be cut due to such ads.

Google AdWord Tips #4 - Numerous versions of your ads should be tested to find which one works best. Finally what matters at the end is legitimacy and getting more for your money.

Google AdWord Tips #5 - If you continue with your results, you will find it very simple. It must be seen whether or not what you're paying for is important.


google adwords promotional code

A lot of companies and individuals use the AdWords programs as devised by Google to advertise their products and services. That said each and every time you bid on a keyword it costs you money. The time and the length of the time you do the AdWords campaign will cost you money.

This money is huge but a lot of people who are just beginning can save that initial dollars if they can get hold of the AdWords promotional code coupons or the promo codes. There are a couple of ways in which you can get the coupons.

If buy the hosting from a hosting company more often than not they will 25 or a 100 dollars credit towards the AdWords campaign. That helps to save the initial costs. Also there are a lot of forums and coupon code companies that usually give out the list of valid coupon codes. Also there are a lot of conferences that happen in the search engine optimization arena and for these the organizers will give out the coupons. This helps in both ways as you gain good amount of publicity because of attending the conferences as well as you can save the money because you have now got the coupons for your first AdWords campaign.

As a new person who is trying the hand at the AdWords it is always better to test the waters initially using the credit that you have. It can prove to of good help to learn the strategies and make some good money with AdWords later. Read More...